Infant School • T: 01452 712214 • E:
Junior School • T: 01452 713262 • E:

Year 3

Curriculum overview Autumn 2024

Welcome to Year 3.  The teachers, TAs and children are hard-working, enthusiastic and creative, who always love to learn. 

We aim to make a smooth and relaxed transition to the junior school so that the children are quickly settled into a new building and daily routine.

In Year 3 there are three exciting main topics planned for over the year with a focus on History, Geography and Science. We investigate these topics  and develop our skills through carefully planned, exciting activities and aim to extend the children’s learning with trips and local walks. The topics also include Art, Design and Technology, Computing and Music. 

We encourage all Year 3 to read regularly, learn weekly spellings and practise Times Tables with rewards to encourage them on their way including badges and certificates. A termly homework activity, linked to the topic, enables children to explore the topic further, which we love to share through Class Dojo.