Our Art Curriculum
The teaching and learning of art is an integral part of a broad and balanced curriculum at CPMSF. We believe that it is crucial for all pupils to be provided with planned and purposeful opportunities to explore and express their creativity. This is essential for the well-being of the individual pupil as well as developing transferable life skills which incorporate our gem powers, including resilience, independence and respect.
It is fundamental to us that our Art curriculum is accessible to all pupils, whatever their background, ability, or life experiences. The nature of art lends itself more readily to those with SEND and EAL who are given greater freedom to express themselves in way that is appropriate to their capabilities. All staff ensure that this is supported by resources, equipment and starting points that are appropriately adapted to the needs of individual pupils. We endeavour that all pupils will feel empowered to share and celebrate their achievements in art.
Our teaching of art aspires pupils and staff to be forward thinking; always seeking to broaden our coverage of artists, skills and media in line with our ever-changing world. We aim to equip pupils with skills they can use as a springboard for future qualifications and careers in the role of art. We also seek to develop transferable skills, such as thinking creativity and working digitally, which can enable pupils to excel in a broad range of future pathways. This is supported by ongoing staff CPD to constantly improve and enhance teaching across the Federation.